Friday, August 17, 2012


Today I am leaving. I've packed my bags er, boxes and we are going to start our drive down. I've said goodbye to friends (yesterday) without shedding a tear; thank goodness!! But there was a lot of hugging. Then today I said goodbye to Simon (little puppy love) and I'm going to say goodbye to Chestnut in a little bit. Its so hard to just pack up your life and go somewhere new. It's also exciting, like an adrenaline rush. I'm looking forward to it, but at the same time dreading it. We'll see what happens! I can guarantee you on Sunday there will be tears. All thats left to do is drive. Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid. ~Frederick Buechner

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Today is June 12, 2012 and I need to answer some survey on Housing. I am a little unsure what the heck I am doing/ how to even go about filling out this survey. I hate being confused, especially since its a first come, first serve basis!! ACK! Well, I will try my best! I want to be in New Hall. Its a brand new Residence Hall that is considered 'green' by standards. I also have yet to sign up for my core classes. Why does all this have to happen the week finals starts?!?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Final Letters

I received my final letters from colleges. One was a no and the other was a maybe as a transfer student (aka if I went somewhere else first for a year). And from the third (a college in my state) I was given the option to be wait listed. I chose to be waitlisted.

Oh college, the stressful process is coming to a close! EDIT: In the end I was accepted to the college in my state but I have chosen to go to a school in VA. It was the one I wrote about in my last post "Finding a college is like finding true love"

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Finding the Perfect College is like Finding True Love

I visited another college far away from home. When I applied I didn't really think about it. My Mother said I should apply so I did but I didn't really care.

However when I walked onto the campus something happened. Before I even talked to someone I felt like I was home. I realized that at the college the teachers REALLY do care. They want you to do well. They said hi to our tour guide whenever they passed him. The classes are taught using a very hands on method. The people there, including the students were incredibly helpful. I got lost and asked for directions and they were very helpful. They didn't have an attitude about them. I just loved the school. I felt like I could be myself and I wasn't embarrassed by my Mother who was with me. Admit it, you are embarrassed when you go to a college tour and you are with your Mom. Don't ask why it's just embarrassing. But I could have cared less. I was not the least bit embarrassed and I felt totally comfortable asking the tour guide questions at any time.

You know its the right college when you feel you are home.

When a College Visit doesn't go as Planned...

I recently visited some colleges pretty far away from home. And now I am going to tell you about my experience. Up until now there have only been two colleges I have said absolutely no to. Well let me tell you the third one.
This college is pretty far away but I was accepted and I wanted so badly to like it. In fact before even visiting I LOVED it. I was so sure that was where I wanted to go. Where I belonged. However it was not focused on the right things. Everyday you get 'free' ice cream. The buildings were amazing, as if they belonged in D.C. There were many fountains situated everywhere which apparently represented wealth or something. Which, yes you need a LOT of money to go to college but I wouldn't do the fountain thing. During the tour, the guide talked about Facebook pictures that had been taken in various places and might have said one or two sentences that focused on education. Bottom Line: It was a school for kids of very rich parents who just wanted their kids taken care of. The whole place was like a country club. Just like where my grandparents live in Florida.

On your birthday they give you a gift card and balloons. When you are sick they bring you soup. The whole school is tailored to parents who just want their children taken care of 24/7. They even do your laundry. yes, your laundry. At some point in life you have to learn to do your own freaking laundry and college is the perfect time if you haven't already learned! Anywhoo, I left very disappointed. And I am still disappointed and sad that it didn't live up to my expectations. But the perfect college will find you.
*Read my Next Post! It talks about finding the perfect college and how you know.*