Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Finding the Perfect College is like Finding True Love

I visited another college far away from home. When I applied I didn't really think about it. My Mother said I should apply so I did but I didn't really care.

However when I walked onto the campus something happened. Before I even talked to someone I felt like I was home. I realized that at the college the teachers REALLY do care. They want you to do well. They said hi to our tour guide whenever they passed him. The classes are taught using a very hands on method. The people there, including the students were incredibly helpful. I got lost and asked for directions and they were very helpful. They didn't have an attitude about them. I just loved the school. I felt like I could be myself and I wasn't embarrassed by my Mother who was with me. Admit it, you are embarrassed when you go to a college tour and you are with your Mom. Don't ask why it's just embarrassing. But I could have cared less. I was not the least bit embarrassed and I felt totally comfortable asking the tour guide questions at any time.

You know its the right college when you feel you are home.

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