Wednesday, July 17, 2013

How to get Good Grades!

Why are you going to college? To learn! Well that and discover who you are, make friends, try new things, etc. Sometimes it feels like the classes and grades part is just the annoying side bit. But it's not. It's important to get good grades in college! I think I sometimes forgot that along the way... and would then remember... and forget. It was a nice pattern, but it needs to stop being a pattern starting this Fall! I bought a book on Amazon called 6 Days to Better Grades. It's by a professor I think. Anyway it is probably the best, most helpful book I could find about improving your grades! I bought a different one earlier and it was crappy. It was about basic stuff which let me tell you, you already know. This book was clearly designed to be like a class (pssst probably where the 6 days part comes in). You read each section, er day and the suggested supplemental readings (in the back of the book. I highly suggest reading them too!!). And then you magically know how to get better grades! I even looked forward to reading the book every day (and I am not some book loving person).

I know that college won't start back up again for another month and 9 days (yeah, I'm not counting how many days of freedom I have left or anything...) but I thought this semester had to be different. In high school I would always tell myself 'this year will be different'. Or 'this year I'll take harder classes.' But it never really came through that way. So I decided to get a head start! Because this time... I MEAN IT!

I bought the book and read it in about 10 days, I know, I know. It's called SIX days to better grades. But it's summer and I'm working at a cupcake shop. Give me some time!!

Then, when I was done reading I typed up all the notes I highlighted when reading that I thought were the most important to pound into my brain. I then printed them out, put each page in a clear plastic slip, and then stuck them all in a binder. Bam! Done! But not really... I look at the binder everyday. Every single day. I look at my schedule for homework, etc. Sometimes I swear my brain is trying to memorize it or something (that is not my goal by the way).

By looking at this schedule, you really won't learn much. The book explains everything and makes this so much clearer. Also! Do not be discouraged if you are looking at this and don't understand what is going on or you think it is too complicated. All I can stress is read the book (maybe your library has it!).

All in all this book is AMAZING. I was not paid to say that. If I was, someone would read this blog post and check and correct my grammar and spelling and punctuation. I can guarantee you not everything is spelled right or has the right punctuation. Bottom line: Buy the book. It's like $6. Think of that! That's like a dollar a day for a class. And as a result the classes you spend thousands of dollars on will thank you when you get better grades!


Email your professors early in the summer (not too early like while you are still unpacking after getting home, but like July or June) and ask what books you'll be required to read. You can read them over the summer and re-read them again in the Fall. You'll have a great advantage. :)

Also! During the first week of school email your professors about meeting with them if you have ANY learning disabilities. I have a slight learning disability so I have a 504 plan (I get extra time taking tests, people can read questions out loud to me, if the class is over an hour I can get up and walk around {I never do that though, I would feel weird}). Meet with your professors about signing your sheet and get to know them (trust me, they want to know you). Even if you DON'T have a learning disability still make an effort to meet with your professors during the first or second week to get to know them, ask questions, etc.

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