Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Visiting, Tours, and Open Houses

I think visiting colleges is the best way to get a real feel for whether or not it is the right school for you. Tours last an hour to an hour and a half. And Open Houses usually span out all day. For some reason I tend to find both tours and open houses exhausting. I always leave feeling I could use a good long nap. Sometimes I think it is because you are learning so much information your brain has a hard time containing it all. Especially when you visit colleges consecutively. Last weekend I visited Skidmore one day and Colby-Sawyer the next. I think; at least for me, that I need a day to think over all the information I received.

While you may want to see classrooms and dorm rooms, they all look alike, at least once you've seen two or three, they all look something like that. And classrooms look no different than high school classrooms.

October 25, 2011

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