Friday, January 3, 2014

End of Fall 2013 Sophomore Semester

Well it really ended about three weeks ago and I still didn't post. I must say I used the strategies talked about in the good grades book (mentioned in an older summer blog post) and it really worked! My grades improved drastically! I have some tips I wanted to share to motivate you/ study tips that work wonders for me! Although you should always play around and see what really works with you as everyone is different! The things listed here are not listed in the book I bought but things I have just found helpful.

Some note taking/ studying/ getting to know your profs tips!

Ø     Hand Write notes in class.
Ø     At the end of every day type notes and print to put in designated binder.
Ø     At the end of each week on Saturday go over printed notes by creating note cards and spider diagrams to better understand the information.
Ø     If there are any questions after a class write them down and email the professor that afternoon/ evening.
Ø     Meet with each professor at least once a month.