Sunday, November 24, 2013

Update: Grades, Dorm DIY

Well, I feel like a failure. I haven't updated as much as I'd hope I would. Some big news:

1. I have decided not to transfer! Despite being far away from home I like it here so why not stay?
2. I declared! I'm going to become an Elementary Education teacher! Whoop- Whoop! I've been running for so long I think it finally caught up to me. Oh, well.
3. I am running for President of my schools College Democrats club! Super excited! I find out tomorrow if I win!
4. I am transportation coordinator for the all singing group I am part of. Nobody volunteered and why not add more stress to my stressful life, eh?
5. I host lots of parties on my floor. I want to stress I mean NON-alcoholic parties. I live on the Scholars Floor this year which has been the best thing to ever happen to me here. It's a dry floor. Anyway, I've hosted a cupcake making party, Halloween party and an upcoming Christmas party where I will teach the party-goers about Hanukkah! Maybe I am supposed to be be a teacher... haha! I celebrate both.

On to pictures!

DIY Dorm Style!

Up first is bedding!
I bought new  bedding from all for under $50! I bought white sheets, a duvet cover (to cover my hot pink comforter), a throw and a yellow throw pillow (not shown). I must say I think it looks better, more grown up I guess. I was afraid of white but whatever stains happen from shoes etc. wash out when you put them in the wash on 'whites' with a Tide Pod. Kind of scary they come out though, it makes me wonder what is in those Tide Pods....

And here is a before and after of under my bed. It looks atrocious before and oh-so much better after! I bought 2 yards of white fabric from Amazon for a grand total of $6 (including shipping). I'm a lazy college student so I did nothing to it, I just shoved it between the bed base thing and mattress et voila!

Finally Redo your wall!

I put these pictures on my wall and while I did like them, they began curling over and not staying on the wall so well. I measured each picture for approximate size. Then I went to Walmart and bought classy, simple black frames for .97 each. I cut the pictures so they would fit and then popped them in the frames. I hung them with tacks. I know it's against the rules but our Professor of the hall said it was okay because we are part of the LLC (living learning community). Still not sure why that matters...

My wall now (I'd say it turned out nicely)

News, Life Changes, Funnies and Food

My College has a formal dance each year and this year the theme was the Great Gatsby. I went to dinner with friends before but here is a picture before all that:

I recently started writing a quote a week on a little chalkboard that I put on my desk. It makes me think and I see it everyday. I  think it's pretty awesome! I've also started doing a conscious random act of kindness a day. Whether it's holding the door for something, complimenting their outfit; last week I wrote an email to a professor so they knew how much I appreciate their class. It's a lot of fun and you feel better at the end of the day.

The Governors Race just concluded earlier this month in the lovely state of Virginia but when it was going on I spent a lot of time out volunteering (phone banking and canvassing) to get people out to vote! So I created what I titled 'snack packs'. Pretty much trail mix, healthy bar and candy bar in one container. Someone joked I could sell them and make a lot of money. Nice idea, but I'd rather just eat them. You can easily make them too!

I don't think this sign belongs here... it was a giant hole in the ground.

And that is what has been going on! I've been applying the book I read over the summer (and mentioned in a previous blog post) to all my studies and can say quite honestly it has helped a lot. I know my grades will be better each semester!